Bachelor of Architectural Design

昆士兰大学 (UQ)

机构类型: 大学/高等教育机构
等级: 本科生
CRICOS: 00025B

UQs Bachelor of Architectural Design is all about practical and creative learning through design studios. Youll do hands-on construction at multiple scales, using progressively more complex materials and forms. Design studios mimic what its like to work at local and international design firms. Theyre also a lot of fun. Studios are usually organised around a project, and youll investigate and present your design concept in front of your peers and experts at the end of semester. Working hands-on with paper, card, clay and foam will give you the confidence to experiment with architectural form. Youll also have opportunities to make models using laser cutters and 3D printers, construct furniture and prototypes, and even work on small buildings using our workshop facilities. Youll gain a rich understanding of international cultures and develop skills in communication, teamwork and leadership. Youll learn about built environments and communities, construction documentation, people and places, and environmental factors.


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